How can Expero help me?
Safelink’s data room software, Expero, offers a secure, organised space to store, manage, and share sensitive documents, cutting down on time spent on routine deal maintenance. It simplifies collaboration by granting controlled access to key stakeholders, minimises risk, and accelerates decision-making. We’ve managed thousands of deals. With experience managing thousands of deals, Expero ensures users can easily locate documents, get quick answers to their questions, and keep you focused on what truly matters—driving results.
How can I be sure my data is safe?
Security has been central to Safelink since day one. From the start, we implemented advanced key management and have continually evolved to stay ahead of security threats. Safelink is fully compliant and holds top-tier security certifications, including the globally recognised ISO 27001. We provide robust, multi-layered security configurations and undergo regular independent audits to ensure your data remains safeguarded at the highest level of protection.
Will I need any training to use Expero?
Our platform is designed for an intuitive user experience, making onboarding straightforward. However, our dedicated team is always available to guide you through the platform, ensuring you are set up for success. Book a demo with the team.
How do I set up a data room? How long does it take?
Setting up an Expero Virtual Data Room takes just a few minutes. Our self-service sign-up portal allows you to create and manage single data rooms without any need for IT support, and additional rooms can be easily created from the home menu or duplicated from the settings of an existing room.For enterprise (storage-based) pricing with unlimited rooms, please get in touch with the team.
Can Expero accommodate complex, global transactions and cases?
We’ve handled large-scale matters for clients worldwide. Expero has no limit on users and offers a comprehensive suite of features that can be enabled or disabled depending on the complexity of your matter.
How will I be charged?
We offer per-data room plans that can be purchased on a monthly or annual basis, as well as storage-based plans with unlimited data rooms. To discuss storage pricing, get in touch with the team.
What customer support is available?
Our expert support team is on-hand 24/7 and typically responds within a few minutes. We also offer an extensive library of help articles on our Knowledge Hub.