Over 11 years of optimising legal technology.
Drag & drop all files into one place
Quickly and simply upload files and folders of any type and size to your bundling workspace. Safelink automatically unpacks zipped files. DMS integration available.
Organise your documents into sections
Separate out pleadings, laws, authorities etc. You have the option to add section headings and document IDs or document names to bundles pages.
Let Safelink index & number your bundle
Safelink automatically generates your hyperlinked bundle index with the option to include document IDs, document name and document date on every page. Number your bundle by section, or select continuous page numbering. Even choose the location of you want the numbers to appear on the page.
Customise the look and feel of your bundle
Create your own cover page or choose from one of our pre-built templates. Create a list of your own template cover pages for future use. Although Safelink automatically generates an index, and numbers pages, these can all be manipulated manually as needed.
Deliver your finished bundle to court
Finalise your bundle and send directly using our secure file transfer. Alternatively, you can download it as a single or double-sided pdf.
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