Fast and accurate
chronologies for
Early Case Assessment
Uncover facts, streamline timelines, and make informed decisions faster with Chronologica, by Safelink.
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Unlock the early insight advantage
Early case assessment demands clarity and speed. Chronologica by Safelink automates the creation of precise, actionable timelines—so you can assess, act, and advance with confidence.
Get familiar, fast
Turn overwhelming case data into digestible timeline moments with Artificial Intelligence.
Timelines, reinvented
Categorise, search, filter, cross-reference and export timelines from your uploaded documents.
Decisions, with data
Collaborate and determine your case strategy faster and more efficiently.
Fuel your Case Assessment and Strategy
Gauge case potential with confidence
Have an accurate timeline of events at hand in minutes, complete with advanced filtering, categorised events, instant document links and automated event summaries.
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Person at desk
Ensure proportional discovery
Achieve balanced and efficient discovery every time. Chronologica pinpoints key details, minimises the review of unnecessary data, and helps you maximise time allocated to discovery.
Drive faster resolutions
Organise facts and events into a compelling narrative with an advanced timeline editor, giving you the leverage needed to identify and act on settlement opportunities sooner.
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Features built for lawyers

Streamlined data input
Upload and organise documents with a simple drag-and-drop interface, with the option to manually review files in their native format.
Dynamic cross-referencing
Chronologica's advanced cross-referencing ensures every detail and date is connected to a source document, ready for review.
Advanced search filters
Powerful date, topic, people, place and keyword filters help you drill down to the most relevant chronology details.
Real-time collaboration
Keep tthe litigation team on the same page with real-time collaboration, instant annotations, and straightforward user invites
Bank-grade security
Safelink offers the highest grade of security over your data and information and is ISO27001 certified.
Ensure your case chronology is always organised and ready for review, no matter the audience, with several export configurations.

Ready to elevate your approach to chronology building?

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chronology building?

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